Bobby Sammons, Proprietor
31888 Hwy. 31
Calera, AL 35040
(205) 668-3222
This week I did not have any particular location in mind, so I set out on Highway 31, a great detour betwixt Montgomery and Birmingham and a prime spot for local businesses. This is a really pleasant road for any sort of day trip anyone might want to take, with local businesses and produce stands lined up all throughout the area. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Pawpaw's Garden, a distributor of local produce in the Calera area.
Mr. Sammons has operated his business for the past two years out of a converted garage beside his house. He distributes fresh produce bought from the Finley Avenue Farmer's Market in Birmingham, as well as the wares of individual farmers at their request. His shop also sells birdhouses (which he makes himself) as well as some candy and junk food, though he stated that his customers tend to prefer his selection of foods harvested in their area. His reason for performing this public service is admittedly boredom; like many distributors of local produce, he desired an occupation upon the event of his retirement and chose to make a business out of a personal hobby. Situated as he is on such a high-traffic road, he says that he is glad to spend his days talking to passersby from all over the state and country who wish for a bit of fresh food in their kitchens.
His prices on local produce are shown below, and are the most flexible of all local distributors I have interviewed thus far. He also makes a habit of selling the same produce in containers of differing sizes:
Cantaloupe: $2
Watermelons: $4-$5
Corn- 6 for $3
Yams- (About) 10 for $3
Onions- (About) 8 for $1.25- $2.50
Peas- $4
Beans- $4
Zucchini- $3
Of note, Mr. Sammons sells all his peas and beans at the same price, shelled or unshelled, as he spends his down time during the day shelling and refrigerating his selection. He has also put a lot of work into making his location as homely as possible by inserting a ceiling fan, some comfy furniture, a television, and designating a spot for playing chess.
-Aaron T
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